After divorce, both parents shall still have the right and duty to bring up and educate their children. 离婚后,父母对于子女仍有抚养和教育的权利和义务。
Civic right and duty have both legal and ethical meaning. 公民的权利与义务既是实体法的意义,同时也具有伦理的意义。
The thesis thinks that agency purchase for lottery belongs to unpaid trust contract and owing to that, this thesis analyses the right and duty of relevance people detailedly. 学界对代买彩票的基础关系存在无偿委托合同和好意施惠关两种见解。
The object of legal relation is one of three components of the legal relation as well as the base of right and duty. 虽然在“法律关系客体是指法律关系主体的权利义务所指向的对象”的概念上能够取得广泛一致,但对其范围却各执一词。
There must exist relevant risk in agency agreement as a carrier which restrains right and duty of both consigner and agent. 代理协议作为约束委托人和代理人双方权利义务关系的载体,必然存在相应的风险。
The paper analyzes the right and duty for enterprise to pay tax and put forward the methods for enterprise plan to economize the amount tax. 本文分析了税法赋予纳税人的权利和义务,提出了企业纳税筹划的具体方法,达到了节税的目的。
The content usually includes: right and duty, quality and quantity, price and remuneration, period of validity, place, fashion of fulfillment, and responsibility of breach of faith, etc. 一般包括权利和义务、数量和质量、价款和酬金、有效期、履行地点和方式、违约责任等。
However the separation of tradable and non-tradable shares has taken away the balance in shareholders right and duty. 这种将上市公司的股份分作流通股与非流通股的做法导致了股东权利与义务的失衡。
Theory of deontology; arguments for and against our right to suicide; conflict between right and duty; Kant; Hume; debate on local cases. 道义论、自杀之对与错、权利与义务的冲突、康德、休谟、本地个案之研究。
The right and duty of spouse in marriage relation is connubial right. 配偶在婚姻关系中所应享有和承担的权利义务,就是配偶权。
The contents of property management legal relationship are the relationship between the right and duty of subjects. 物业管理法律关系的内容是双方主体间的权利和义务关系。
The Development of Modern International Law has enriched the content of many legal categories such as state and law, right and duty, equality, equity, peace and reason, which has reflected the idea of humanism based on the care of human being. 现代国际法的发展丰富了国家与法、权利与义务、平等、公正、和平与理性的内涵,并体现了现代法律以人为本的人文主义关怀理念。
As the important law regulation to adjust the property right and human right, the civil law regulations have the responsibility to adjust and regulate the position, right and duty of the natural individual. 作为调整财产权与人身权的重要法律法规,民事法律规范负有着对自然人地位、权利和义务进行规定和调整的重任。
The author analyzes and researches the features of right and duty on sport for all in sports life. 运用文献资料法和逻辑历史相结合方法,借鉴法学理论,对体育生活化运行中的大众体育权利与义务特征进行了分析和研究。
Contract mechanism stipulates behavior, right and duty. 契约机制规范和界定了人力资本产权交易双方的行为与权利、义务;
In International trade, the transfer and assumption of risks related to the contract party's right and duty closely. 在国际贸易中,风险的转移和承担与合同当事人的权利和义务密切相关。
The influence also contents right and duty. 而新闻对社会的这种影响往往也伴随着权利和义务的内容。
In the traditional China, the right and duty in the legal sense is mainly arranged in the framework between state and society under the influence of Confucianism and patriarchal clan system. 在中国古代,受儒家理思想和宗族制度的影响,法律意义上的权利和义务不是以个人而是以国家和社会为基本对象进行设计的。
The legal position of school is reflected by it's legal right and duty. 学校的法律地位具体体现在学校的法定权利和义务上。
But it's different from the proposition that right and duty is unified. 权利与义务是构成法的统一体,这同说权利义务是统一的的命题有所区别。
Compulsory education is a kind of forced education, each right age child has right and duty to accept compulsory education. 义务教育是一种强制性教育,每一个适龄儿童都有接受义务教育的权利和义务。
Discuss Citizen's Right and Duty in the Health Insurance Scheme 试论公民在医疗保险中的权利和义务
Seen from the angle of right and duty, market access means opportunity and promise; 从权利义务角度看,市场准入意味着一种准入机会和准入承诺;
The right and duty of water right holder are discussed. 讨论了水权主体的权利义务问题;
The internal relationship is the basic right and duty relationship between litigants. 添附制度的内部关系是添附行为人和被添附人之间的权利义务关系,包括添附的物权效力和债权效力。
Right and duty is a pair of contradictory concept. 权利与责任始终是一对相互依赖又相互矛盾的概念。
The author mentions her own opinion and idea in many places, particularly in the function, right and duty in the action of subrogation. 特别是在代位权的性质和代位权的诉讼权利义务方面进行归纳和整理,提出了自己的观点。
Census law is important in adjusting and regulating the position, right and duty of the individuals. 户籍法是一个政权加强对民众户籍管理,维系赋税征收和徭役佥派的重要规范。
When the staff of the purchasing in advance transfers its right and duty, must register too. 预购人转让预购合同的权利和义务,必须到登记机关办理登记手续。
The development personnel and the customer have their own right and duty, which exist not only in the economical relations, but also in ethics relations. 开发人员和客户都有自己的权利和义务,相互之间不仅仅是经济上的关系,也存在着伦理上的关系。